
Benefits of Integration

For hospitals, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies etc.

Data Management

We are experts in the storage, processing, pooling and management of data for uses within your own organization or for secondary uses of your data.

Privacy and Security are of upmost importance to us – our team has extensive experience in the space leading the charge on health data management in Canada.

Secondary Uses of Data

Your data, or your data in combination with other data, could be made available in aggregate to you or third parties for discovery or profits back into your organization.

Integrating your data with individual’s data and other related datasets creates powerful new avenues of discovery and insights for patients and for disorders more generally.

scientific value & revenue

Your data could provide both scientific value and revenue back to your hospital. Many different types of organizations are looking for good quality data in easy to use formats and reports.

Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, governments need access to these valuable datasets to do their jobs better.